Concept Drawing & Design have tried to make the website accessible to all by making it easy and clear to use by visitors.
HTML heading tags are used to convey document structure. H1 tags are used for main titles, H2 tags for subtitles etc..
All images used in this site include descriptive alt tag attributes. Where an image has no use other than being decorative, the alt tag is set to null to allow easy reading of the site by all users.
Javascript may be used for some elements of this site. Where it is used then all pages and process are still accessible should Javascript be turned off.
Text style (font) and size has been carefully chosen to ensure that it can be easily readable.
The colours used for the text and background colours, where combined have been chosen to ensure that they contrast against each other to allow all information to be clearly visible.
If at any point throughout using this website that you (as a visitor) has difficulty in using, accessing or seeing any part of the information, please inform Concept Drawing & Design Architects via the contact details provided. This will allow the website to be reviewed, and if required, adjustments made to make the site more user friendly.