• 11/22/2024

Listed Buildings, Seend, Wiltshire

A period arrangement of buildings that was once a public house, which closed a number of years ago. After several years of the buildings not being used, design work was instructed to turn the buildings into three separate residential properties. With the scenic views over the rolling hills, it was an opportunity to bring life back into buildings that were slowly deteriorating.

As part of the work, there was the prospect of utilising a number of the original architectural features in the building and making them significant to the new scheme. Features, such as timber trusses with original timber dowels, fireplaces, stone canopies and brickwork.

Through dedicated work, and lengthy discussions with the client, contractor and conservation officer, the buildings have now been completed and being used once again.

  • Design Considerations

    • Architectural features throughout the buildings
    • Conservation
    • Consideration towards retaining original construction
    • Careful consideration of new materials used near existing materials
    • Fitting well into the surroundings